JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science
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References: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Articles and Books:

Musciano, C. and B. Kennedy (1997) HTML: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly and Associates , Sebastopol, CA.
(Order from amazon , order from Barnes and Noble , compare at bigwords , compare at CampusBooks4Less , order from Chegg , or search eFollett )

Zucker, W. (1999) Dynamic HTML, Microsoft Press , Redmond, WA.
(Order from amazon , order from Barnes and Noble , compare at bigwords , compare at CampusBooks4Less , order from Chegg , or search eFollett )

A variety of books concerned with practical aspects of HTML are available (to members of the JMU community) from Safari Books Online, including:

HTML & CSS: The Good Parts
HTML5 Pocket Reference

WWW Pages:

Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2.0
HTML 4.0 Specification
HTML5 Candidate Recommendation
HTML Living Standard
HTML Validator
Mozilla's HTML Resources HTML Tutorial

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